Sowmya Murthy - Patron of IAAOWA
Sowmya Murthy

Patron, IAAOWA.

Sowmya Murthy - Patron of IAAOWA

Sowmya Murthy is a graduate in Physics (Honours) and holds a Masters in English Literature.

Previously, she taught English at a Government Degree College in Himachal Pradesh, and was also a freelance content developer.

She spends her time gardening, reading classics, and listening to music.

I convey my best wishes to the IAAWOA in their endeavours towards promoting education, health and well-being, in addition to fostering togetherness among the community.

I would like to express my deep appreciation to IAAWOA for also promoting arts and culture through their various programs.

A special mention and appreciation to the children for their enthusiastic participation in making these events a huge success!

Highlights of Key Events


Media Coverage
